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The Listening Project

People experiencing homelessness sit at the nexus of stigma, isolation, and vulnerability: though homelessness can be highly visible, passersby often ignore individuals or subject them to stares, reinforcing their “outsider” status either by making them invisible or making them visible only through negative attention.


Our society is holding onto stigmas and preconceived notions of who people experiencing homelessness are. We are tempted to operate under the assumption that we knows who these people are: lazy, addicted, dangerous, dirty, but what if we took the time to stop and listen? What if we allowed their voices to define them, rather than our own assumptions? What if we took the time to listen to people experiencing homelessness in our local communities?

Enter The Listening Project.

It amplifies their voices using attention grabbing typography and engaging imagery. With yellowing housing patterns representing the barriers toxic stigmas create and an invitation to hear from the people, the campaign asks viewers to lay down their perceptions and listen.

The Listening Project is a podcast that champions voices of people experiencing homelessness in your local community. It is a result of a partnership between Invisible People and the City of Gainesville.

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