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Our Brand utilizes eye-catching colors  to stand out and get chocolate eaters attention, hand-drawn elements to humanize the issue, and simple typographic contrast to communicate credibility and factual data.

Our Brand is a chocolate company that seeks to educate everyday chocolate eaters about child trafficking in the chocolate industry. With eye-catching colors, hand-drawn graphics, and simple typographic contrast, the brand focuses on standing out, getting chocolate eaters' attention, humanizing child trafficking, and communicating factual data.

Our Brand 

Consumers deserve to know what they are supporting when they purchase a product. Our Brand highlights the ethical issues endemic to the global chocolate industry by sharing the lived realities of children who work in cocoa harvesting. 

Each bar in the set of 4 chocolate bars is a call to action and contains its own educational information. Each statistic builds on the next to create a holistic picture of the ethical issues in the chocolate industry and to inform chocolate eaters how they can help.

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